Interviews can talk about new features in the industry, teach something new, etc. Promo They increase brand awareness, increase website traffic, and generate sales. Promotional videos work well for large events: concerts, conferences, courses. Old recordings will help set expectations for the event. Answers on questions Here you can collect popular questions and answer them in video format.
For example, the Kubanzheldormash plant on social networks, in Hong Kong Telemarketing Data particular because of the video: the plant manager answered questions from almost every subscriber and aroused great interest among the entire audience. And this is in the B B segment! Other formats You can record a video on a topic that does not seem familiar to the video format. For example, an advertisement seeking an employee.
Such a video clearly shows the company’s values and has good potential for reposting on social networks. Video formats Video formats are a wrapper for a video. For example, you can talk about a product live, with an animated video, or with text over a video. The choice of format depends on the purpose of the video. Some formats work better with certain types of videos, for example, live video is suitable for interviews.