pujadas 发表于 2023-10-12 16:40:50

More Efficient Brainstorms: Effective Tips to Get Started

How to brainstorm more efficiently? This is a constant question that comes up among creatives. When promoting innovation in any company, there is no perfect tutorial or magic formula for creativity. Those who work directly with creatives deal with the challenge of coming up with good ideas every day. They are professionals who need to generate solutions, have insights, meet project deadlines, launch campaigns, publish publications and send emails. There are so many activities that it becomes more difficult to be creative with the accumulation of tasks, lack of time and the rush of everyday life.

Normally, the creative process stalls in the first phase, generating personal frustration or even frustration with the team. And this happens precisely whatsapp number listin the concept creation phase, the fundamental part of the process and which will guide the rest of the campaign. This is where brainstorming comes in. Brainstorm, which means “storm of ideas” , is a powerful technique for avoiding creative block, optimizing meetings and sifting the best ideas. Everything is very organized, ok? The term comes from publicist Alex Osborn whose direct translation means “storm of ideas” .


The advertising technique is about bringing together people who are involved in a project and exposing as many ideas as possible, without focusing on quality. Everyone raised questions they found interesting to solve a problem, even the most absurd ones, without judgment. The proposal was that, immediately after this storm of ideas, a “fine-toothed comb” would be carried out to choose those that best suited the resolution of the problem. Professor Ralph Keeney, from Duke University in the United States, perfected the idea and added a bit of rationality to the format. For him, the people who would participate in the meeting needed to do a prior study on the subject.

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